Market Research Class Project

Case study on a marketing research project aimed at promoting awareness and generating interest in a new college major, culminating in a research-driven infographic tested in a focus group.


This marketing research project is designed to increase awareness and interest in a new college major. Through in-depth research and audience analysis, we identified key messaging strategies to effectively reach our target demographic. Based on these insights, we developed an infographic as a marketing tool tailored to our research-based audience. The infographic was then tested in a focus group to evaluate its effectiveness and refine the messaging.

The focus group consisted of 6 freshman students. All students we a part of Niagara University’s undecided program. The point of the focus group was to test our infographic on a group of real students to see how they responded to it and adjust it if necessary. Once the focus group was complete and adjustments were made in accordance to it, we presented our finding to the head of the marketing department at Niagara University.